Subject: Face Model Author: Chuck Carter Uploaded By: CyanDES Date: 3/4/1997 File: MacroModel Face/DXF-JPEG File (160855 bytes) Estimated Download Time (51210 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 351 Equipment: Quadra Needs: Infini-D 2.0 MacroModel face. The file was created in MacroModel and imported into the excellant new DXF filter provided by Infini-D. The model is the result of playing around with MacroMedia's new modeler. It's spline based editing tools are really cool and easy to use. The face here is a good example of freeform modeling and looks good from many directions. Enjoy it and if you wish to use it for a project that will be used in print, video, any multimedia productions and/or anything other than personal use, my name -Chuck Carter/copyright1992-must accompany the model or image file as creative source. Enjoy! -Chuck Carter